Friday, December 21, 2012

Söft Dov is a surrealist death-crust / d-beat cyberpunk troupe from New Brunswick, NJ formed in 2011.
end transmission.

Deathblast lyrics

"Barren Wasteland"

deserted wasteland
deserted dream
home to the parasites
salvation for fiends
numb and barren
ready to process
mechanical human animal
made in god's image

dependent drone
the willing analyzed
access denied
eternal enslavement

"Insects Collecting Pieces"

living like animals buried in holes
in select pieces under queen control
digging the tunnels
building the roads
the excess dirt piles up in loads

"White Christ"

consumed with deceit
possessed by christ
howling insanity
distant death dreams
a life dictated by burning fear

your faith will destroy you
corrosive death distorts your mind 

"In Praise"

Body Devoted - Consumed
Consuming your free will - repressive (accepted)
law: the safety of cowards
safe and so afraid

walking comfortable sleeper
napping day by day
numb and feeling fine
on your knees in praise

putting the pressure on us
trying to waste our days
law: the safety of cowards
on your knees in praise

"Drifting Thought Of An Absurd Dream?"

Assume to be astonished
laughing so absurd
consumed on erotics
ejaculate concurred 

is this a drifting thought...
of an absurd dream?

persistance and stimulation
laughing so absurd
amusement and masturbation
pushing seed forward

is this a drifting thought...
of an absurd dreeam?

the absurd dream
the surreal dream

"Sensual Nightmare"

misdirected like cataract cloak
glaring eyes see though endless smoke
restricting airflow, begin to choke
sensual nightmare, a rabid grope

rabid lust, rabid lust
sensual nightmare, rabid lust

"Rotating Deranged"

pulsating hot fire
peel skin away
the world is melting 
rotating deranged

memory, lost memory

blisters burn callus
nerves separate
hot vapour spits ash
land desperate 

"Burning Death"

hallowed out tombs
wretched preserved flesh
war mongers get off
in a maze, get lost
the difference the fucking same

burning humans everywhere
burning human meat
we never existed, burning death

"Shit and Purpose"

pale light burns hole through radiant sky
pale light burns through deception and lies
all shit all of the purpose
all shit all of the greed

Sunday, August 26, 2012


"POISON IDEA and SEPTIC DETH melded together with a strong D Beat raw punk backround.  Good job taking all my favorite genres and putting it on one demo.  Raw punk, hardcore, thrash! Sounds like a bad combination, but I assure you it's not.  I'm talking thrashy in the vein of '80s greats like SYSTEMATIC DETH.  It's perfect.  Demo cover with a weed leaf and anarchy sign.  What a fucking solid demo!  Bring us more, New Jersey!" (Amelia) - MAXIMUM ROCK 'N ROLL

"Pure chaos. Shattered chords choked out of guitars, giving friction-filled birth to solos that scrape and cut. Drums shoving everything forward. Bass crawling into your gut. Vocals like a desperate warning. Must play again." –MP Johnson - RAZORCAKE

"From New Brunswick, NJ, comes Soft Dov with an all out assault on your senses. Totally fast, loud, wild and to the point on this release with ten tracks in just over eleven minutes! A great d-beat sound on here played with all the intensity you need with an old school feel that makes this stand out from the pack. This makes you want to play it loud and get out the combat boots to thrash around the house and fuck shit up! The production is pretty good, clear for being self released and the playing is tight, no lyrics included in this, but the really cool part is that you can get the digital download for free! I would go look for this on cassette to keep it old school, but go get the free download and play the hell out of this one." (Rick E) -PROFANE EXISTENCE

"Man, this is a ripper if there ever was one, almost as if it had been recorded during a show, these guys tear through ten songs in just over eleven minutes! The intense d-beat mayhem is to be expected when you realize these Garden State crushers have played with such notable outfits like Kicking Spit, Pregnant, A.N.S., Mirrors & Wires, Seasick, and Down In Flames.
Heavily laden d-beat goodness and extreme aggression, there is a taste of the oldschool which permeates the album like the blood stains on a old Huntington Beach dancefloor.
Ian Thompsen is the pipes behind this, screaming it out with killer punk defiance and crust growls; hints of Ian MacKaye and Bill Damon coming through in his unique blend. The guitar on this sounds, at times, like it's channeling the spirit of Greg Ginn, even thought the maestro ain't dead. Sick bass lines, pounding beats round up the formula of full bore mosh madness.
Söft Dov really unleashes a wall of unbridled fury as fast as the fists in a b-grade kung fu flick...smashing good fun for all will be had.
The nice thing about this, is the album is free! So, what does that mean? If you haven't guessed yet, then you are one stupid, stingy-assed bastid! You need to download, jam it, get on over to their FB page and click that little like button and start yer tongue a wagging...tell everyone you know!" - (Rene) THRASH HEAD

deathblast demo:
order cassette:

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Söft Dov "Insects Collecting Pieces / In Praise" Live in Brooklyn, NY.


12/20/11 - Seasick, Rational Animals,Fleshtemple, Bible Thumper, Söft Dov @ ray cappos cantina in New Brunswick, NJ

1/14/12 - Draize, Curmudeon, Lost Weekend, Söft Dov @ the Alamo in New Brunswick, NJ

1/19/12 - Bible Thumper, Disobey, Heavy Breath, Söft Dov @ Ray Cappos Cantina in New Brunswick, NJ

3/4/12 - Lousy Break, Polemic Shock, Söft Dov @ The Brighton Bar in Long Branch, NJ

3/9/12 - Sleepies, Flopsweat, Sparkleshit, NT, Söft Dov @ the Alamo in New Brunswick, NJ

3/20/12 - Surrender, Easy Rider, Lost Weekend, Söft Dov @ Ray Cappos Cantina in New Brunswick, NJ

3/25/12 Japanther, Brohammer, Söft Dov, Dead Reich @ Legion Bar in Brooklyn, NY

4/6/12 - Ramming Speed, Dethroned Emperor, Scamps, Söft Dov @ The Alamo in New Brunswick, NJ

5/4/12 - Bible Thumper(record release), Loose Ends, Old Wounds, Secret Lives, Söft Dov @ Charlie's Pharm in South Tendersvile, NJ.

5/12/12 - No Sir I Won't, Torch Runner, Bacchus, Söft Dov, Curmudgeon @ wacky kaztle in lower allston, MA

5/18/12 - Negative Standards, Söft Dov, Ugly Parts, Polemic Shock in New Brunswick, NJ. 

7/20/12 - Plastic Cross (12" release show), The Match & The Moth, Söft Dov, Teen Wolves @ Ray Cappo's Cantina in New Brunswick, NJ

8/10/12 - Ramlord, Dead/Beat, Angelcrust, Söft Dov @ the Bath Haus in New Brunswick, NJ


12/28/12 - Bible Thumper, Reavers(CA), Söft Dov, Nuclear Santa Claust @ Ray Cappo's Cantina in New Brunswick, NJ

2/4/13 - Fleshtemple, Church Whip(FL), Söft Dov @ the Alamo in New Brunswick, NJ